Art is a Dance
Kellene Turner Kellene Turner

Art is a Dance

Simply put you need to lead, follow or get out of the way.

The definition of "dance"

Verb-1.move rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps.

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Get out of your own way
Kellene Turner Kellene Turner

Get out of your own way

A phrase I daily remind myself of and one that is resounding in the podcasts I listen to. How can you have progress if you are only ever comfortable? Pushing your limits is not for everyone but it transitions into personal growth, leveling up in your skills, mental growth and so much more.

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Familiar, Yet Unique
Kellene Turner Kellene Turner

Familiar, Yet Unique

You may never know how your art connects with a viewer. But when I have the honor to listen to someone describe my work and how it resonates with them is truly a treat.

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In your work
Kellene Turner Kellene Turner

In your work

It was recently told to me that it shows when I am “in my work” or “in my element”. I was working on a public art piece, headphones on (but nothing playing) and urgently spacing and painting some final details.

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Tools of the trade
Kellene Turner Kellene Turner

Tools of the trade

I am blessed to meet all kinds of artists, business owners and amazing individuals. One thing in common is they know their tools, which I am not just talking about literal tools but craft or trade as well. They really research and gather information to make the best product or be the best they can be.

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Do you like your work
Kellene Turner Kellene Turner

Do you like your work

Recently, I was asked this question (from at the time a potential client). “No", I answered without further thought. I have to be honest (to myself as well as speaking about my work). They gave me a surprised facial reaction and asked “why". My response was as follows…

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Getting something on paper
Kellene Turner Kellene Turner

Getting something on paper

This first post is really like a blank canvas. You have all of the expectations of the end result but starting is and can be intimidating. I am not a writer, so when I plan to fill this blog with thoughts and inspiration I imagine them in the most elegant of ways. But the truth is that writing about your work is as important as making it.

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