Tools of the trade
I am blessed to meet all kinds of artists, business owners and amazing individuals. One thing in common is they know their tools, which I am not just talking about literal tools but craft or trade as well. They really research and gather information to make the best product or be the best they can be.
It is a wonderful process to witness someone at work especially at their passion. It is not work at all and they fully display joy.
I have been scolded recently for having chip brushes in my collection of tools. A chip brush is usually a type of throw away brush (according to most) but this little brush is mighty! When greeted with such a comment about having this brush mixed in with my “high end" brushes, I cannot help but question if this individual knows the wonderful capabilities of this tool.
Applications and techniques are almost endless, and it holds a delightful juvenile experience when I use it. It doesn’t push paint around the same way, but leads me to be even more attentive in my works. That little brush works hard for me.
As an artist you are constantly working to understand and push limits of materials and your self. It will forever be an ongoing process and I can never truly say I’m a master at anything, because that would mean there are no further challenges or work.
Understanding my tools greatly contributes to my passion of work. Watch someone work and you will learn not only about their character but how much they love what they are doing.