Dealing with Criticism
Kellene Turner Kellene Turner

Dealing with Criticism

How do you respond to “reactions” or “criticism” of your work? The good the bad and the ugly.

Here is a little artistic backstory…before we dive into this topic.

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Curate the life you want.
Kellene Turner Kellene Turner

Curate the life you want.

Social media makes it easier than ever to make us think things should be a certain way. Streaming shows and magazines show us the best of the best, life flips and ideal expectations we should have for ourselves. The same goes in the art world.

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A podcast interview with Appalachia Meets World
Kellene Turner Kellene Turner

A podcast interview with Appalachia Meets World

You all know how the military is near and dear to my heart, this interview was released on Veteran’s Day Nov. 2022. I love talking art and even more how it bonds communities and regions. I think this interview could have went on for another hour easily addressing creative placemaking, working with branding, growth, and downtown development.

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