In your work
It was recently told to me that it shows when I am “in my work” or “in my element”. I was working on a public art piece, headphones on (but nothing playing) and urgently spacing and painting some final details.
Thinking more on this phrase and ironically (randomly) hearing a great podcast a few days after about this exact subject, I chose to chase these thoughts further.
One can go through the motions as what seems effortlessly to others, and it seems like creative cruise control. But to really be mindful in your work is entirely different. It becomes a mindful meditation.
Have you every tried any form of meditation? Silencing everything around you in your head? That is tough, but even acknowledging these forms are a great start. I’ve learned a lot from other artists and mindfulness experts.
Think of all the environmental influences that surround you and are a part of you. Now really break them down. The traffic, the birds, the HVAC, the temperature of the room, other people in the room, the time, your breath, the clothes your wearing (color, fabric, smell) your temperature, your thoughts even reading this. Not to mention a million more that I didn’t even mention.
All of these things add or detract from your process, and for the sake of writing this we will only apply this to the mindful creation of art.
This type of meditation and therapy is difficult to achieve most times but especially in the studio. Sure, you can prep and get everything out and still make art, and that is good! It may be terrible art. Or, you may learn something about yourself or your skills in that moment that you wouldn't have otherwise. At least you are practicing.
To really “be in your element" or mindful, you unlock a true creative form. It is raw, pure and an extension of interpretation or preservation in time. Things flow and you are beyond hyper focused on what you are working on. Everything just seems to work together, and it does. Analyzing the subject, light, color, movement, texture and your next step become second nature becaus÷ you really see your subject and goal. I think that is really being “in your work" or “element".
When I work, sometimes if I’m lucky I get lost in a part that completely entrances me, and I would hope others. It speaks to the very depths and shakes you up.
When was the last time you were mindfully in the moment?
I recently shared a great conversation with a comrad who studies communication. This intentional and engaging conversation is a treasured moment. It is rare I get to discussion the multitude of layers and roles in creating as well as viewing art. Then to discuss how a connoisseur of art observes and collects works and from where.
A great mindful discussion to be continued…
Thanks for reading.